SEO Tools

Las SEO Tools son  herramientas de posicionamiento en buscadores, velocidad de carga de página, link building y SEO (optimización para buscadores, programación, diseño web y marketing), entre otras.

En Conectarnos SEO Tools encontrará las herramientas SEO más importantes para hacer un análisis y auditoría SEO de su sitio web. Tenga en cuenta que la mayoría de las herramientas no están disponibles online, sino en nuestra App SEO y Webmaster para Android en Google Play Store.

Para consultar las herramientas online, pase el mouse sobre la sección SEO Tools: se desplegará un menú con las herramientas disponibles. Sino, l@ invitamos a que descargue nuestra APP SEO & Web Tools para Android desde Google Play Store.

También puede consultar nuestra recomendación sobre las 100 mejores herramientas SEO gratuitas en nuestro blog: 100 mejores herramientas SEO tools

Algunas de las SEO Tools (herramientas de auditoría y análisis SEO) que encontrará en este portal son:

•    Alexa Rank Checker
Check Alexa traffic rank for multiple domains/urls in bulk.

•    Backlink Checker
Find backlink information of a website.

•    Blacklist Lookup
Check if your mail server IP address is blacklisted in email blacklists or not.

•    Broken Link Checker
Find the non-working links present in a web page.

•    Browser Information
Find features and information about your browser.

•    Bulk Domain Checker
Check Google PageRank for multiple domains/urls in bulk.

•    Cloaking Checker
Check whether a website cloaks or not.

•    Color Palette Generator
Generate or extract color schemes from a website.

•    Compression Checker
Check if web server uses compression or not.

•    CSV Table Converter
Convert csv data to html table format.

•    Email Extractor
Extract emails from a web page.

•    Email Protector
Change email address to a secure format for using in webpages.

•    Fake PageRank Checker
Check if the PageRank of a site is real or fake.

•    Google Banned Checker
Check whether a website is banned on Google.

•    Googlebot Last Access
Check the last time Googlebot crawled your site.

•    Hex-Bin-Dec Converter
Convert between decimal, binary and hexadecimal numbers.

•    HTML Encoder Decoder
Encode or decode html text online.

•    HTML Encrypter
Encrypt your html source code to hide it from others.

•    HTML Optimizer
Optimize your html source code file for faster loading.

•    HTML Source Viewer
View the html source code of a web page.

•    HTML To Text Converter
Convert html code to plain text.

•    HTTP Header Viewer
Find information about HTTP headers of a website.

•    IP Address Number Converter
Interconvert IP Address and IP Number.

•    JavaScript Extractor
Extract the embedded JavaScript from a web page.

•    Keyword Density Checker
Find the count/density/occurrence of keywords in a web page.

•    Keyword Typo Generator
Discover common keyword misspellings (typos) for your search terms.

•    Link Extractor
Extract the internal and external url links from a web page.

•    Link Popularity Checker
Find total links in different search engines of a website.

•    List Cleaner
Remove duplicate items from a list of items.

•    MD5 Encrypt
Utility to encrypt any text into its standard MD5 hash code.

•    Meta Tags Extractor
Extract information stored in meta-tags from a web page.

•    Multi Rank Checker
Check Google PageRank, Alexa Rank and DMOZ info.

•    MX/NS/SOA Record Lookup
Lookup DNS information of a website.

•    PageRank Checker
Get information about PageRank from multiple Google data centers.

•    Ping Test
Check for active connection of a website.

•    Port Scanner
Scan your firewall and other computer devices for open ports.

•    Position Checker
Find position in search results of a domain for specific keywords.

•    Proxy Detector
Advanced tool to check if your are behind a proxy server or not.

•    Random Password Generator
Automatically and safely generate strong, secure passwords.

•    Reciprocal Link Checker
Check the presence of your website link on your link partners.

•    Remove Line Breaks
Remove tabs or line breaks from a text paragraph.

•    Reverse IP Domain Lookup
Interconvert between a domain and IP address.

•    Sitemap Generator
Generate XML, Text or HTML Sitemap of your website.

•    Social Bookmark Checker
Find a website's information on popular social bookmarking sites.

•    Spider View
Check how your web page contents are seen by a spiderbot.

•    Text Case Changer
Change the text from lower to upper case or vice versa.

•    Text To HTML Converter
Convert plain text to html code easily.

•    URL Deobfuscator
Simplify and get information about the complex looking urls.

•    URL Encoder Decoder
Encode or decode url text online.

•    URL Expander
Expand shortened URL to actual long URL before visiting it.

•    URL Redirection Checker
Check whether a url redirects or not.

•    Web Page Analyzer
Analyze and validate the html tags of a web page.

•    Web Page Comparison
Compare titles, meta information, and contents of different pages.

•    Website Speed Test
Check the loading speed of a web page.

•    What is my IP
Find your network IP Address.